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Frequently Asked Questions

Are a lot of dental offices open?

As far as we know, yes. The Governor allowed all medical and dental offices to reopen on May 1 st . However, we chose to wait an additional two weeks to open to ensure the safety of our staff and our patients.

Is it safe for me to come in for my appointment?

We are following every guideline from the CDC to make this the safest possible visit for our patients and staff. We have updated our protocols to make your visit as safe as possible.

What can I do at my appointment to keep myself safe?

We ask that all patients wear a mask and perform hand hygiene while in the office. Checking in and checking out from an appointment will be done over the phone to limit your time in the common area. It is our responsibility to do everything else to keep you safe.

What precautions are you taking in the office to keep me safe?

Our staff and patients are screened every time they enter the office. We have eliminated any in-person interactions with the front desk. We are using multiple tools in the back to reduce aerosols, which is the most common way this virus is spread. We are also working at 50% capacity to minimize the number of people in the office at one time.

How often are you cleaning the entire office?

We are disinfecting all the operatories after each patient and all common surfaces every hour. The entire office is fully cleaned again at the end of each day.

Aside from the time I spend in the dental chair, what other interactions with people will I have?

Other than the doctor and their assistant or your hygienist, you will only interact with the person that will greet you at the door. This person will be taking your temperature and reviewing the screening questions that you previously answered prior to your appointment.

How are you maintaining social distancing while in the office?

Although it is difficult to maintain 6 feet of distancing while in the dental chair, we are minimizing the number of patients and staff that we have working in the office at any one time. Also, everyone in the office will be wearing a mask at all times.

Why do I need to wear a mask to my appointment?

To reduce any potential risk of transmission between you and the office.

How close will I be to other people in the office? How many different people will I have exposure to during my appointment?

You will be close to the person taking your temperature as well as the dentist/assistant or your hygienist. They will all be wearing the proper personal protective equipment (PPE).

What do I do if I become COVID-19 positive following a visit?

You must inform us right away so we can start tracing who you came into contact with and inform the health authorities.

What happens if I have a fever when I present to the office?

Unfortunately, we will have to reschedule your appointment. A fever is considered anything over 100 degrees F. If in the morning of your visit you do not feel well, please take your temperature at home. If it is 100 degrees F or higher, please give us a call se we can reschedule.

What if I need someone to accompany me to the office?

If you need assistance, the person coming with you will have to answer the same screening questions, have their temperature taken, and wear a mask at all times.

Am I allowed to go in for an appointment with my child?

Yes. However, we will ask you the same screening questions, take your temperature, and ask you to wear a mask, for the duration of your child’s appointment.

Will my hygienist still be able to use the cavitron to clean my teeth?

At this time, we are not using the cavitron routinely. A cavitron produces a lot of aerosols that can be avoided if hand scaling alone is done. If a cavitron must be used, we have special suction systems in place to minimize the aerosols at their source.

Do I really need to come in for my cleaning? Can I wait?

According to the cleaning protocol that has been recommended for you, you are due for a cleaning. However, we can ask the doctor to review your history to see if it is ok to postpone this visit.

When is Dr Rosenman planning on coming back?

Unfortunately, due to social distancing guidelines, we were not able to bring all of our doctors back at the same time. Dr. Rosenman was very gracious and offered to postpone his return so some of his younger colleagues could return to work. When Dr. Rosenman does return, we will be happy to let all of his patients know.

Is the water in the dental chair clean? What type of dental equipment and dental tools are going to be used? Are they safe?

Yes, the water in the chair is clean. We use only non-recycled filtered distilled water. We will be using the same dental equipment and dental instruments that will be familiar to you. We treat all of our patients with universal precautions and all of our equipment is cleaned and sterilized according to manufacturer’s instructions.

Why is there a charge for PPE?

Due to the nature and spread of this disease, it is our utmost concern to keep you and our staff safe. That means that we must take extra precautions with the personal protective equipment that we are wearing. The demand for this equipment is extremely high and sadly, this is driving the cost of that equipment up as well.

What is this that I am rinsing with?

You are rinsing with a 50% solution of 3% hydrogen peroxide and water. It is believed to reduce the salivary load of oral microbes, including potential COVID-19

Contact Us



5419-C Backlick Road
Springfield, VA 22151

Contact Information

Tel: (703) 256-8554
Fax: (703) 256-1029

Office Hours

Monday – Thursday: 7:20 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Friday: 7:20 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.



8988 Lorton Station Blvd Suite 101
Lorton, VA 22079

Contact Information

Tel: (703) 541-3110
Fax: (703) 541-3089

Office Hours

Monday – Thursday: 7:20 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Friday: 7:20 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Saturday: 7:20 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. (once per month)